2021 China (Guangzhou) International Building Decoration Fair was successful conclusion.
which is a great exhibition during COVID-19 situation, we have strict control, thanks for everyone's effort.
According to the industry trend and market demand, according to "intelligent, customized, system, design" four themes set up exhibition area:
Intelligent: smart home, smart lock, home hardware, integral kitchen, integrated customization, clothes-drying system, etc.
Customization: customized home, customized home + soft decoration, wooden doors, integrated customization + quick installation, customized bathroom, customized home materials and accessories, machinery, etc.
System integration: system doors and Windows, aluminum alloy doors and Windows, door to door, door accessories, quick wall board, etc.
Design: high-end customization and the whole wooden home decoration, villa customization, high-end wall paint, etc.
In future, we will Broadening product lines, to produce more and more intelligent door locks